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Today my overhead broke... which really it has been a good
friend to me for many many days this year. I put a tissue
to my eye and pretended to cry. My 3rd graders thought this
was the funniest, most hilarious thing... some of them
thought I was really crying, but soon realized it was
pretend:). I had several come up to comfort me! One little
boy prayed that the Lord would bring the overhead to a
better place.

Now they ordered me a new projector. goodbye my old friend.

Too bad I really want and need a a/v projector.
Rebecca Curtis /blockquote>

On 1/23/08, ILteach wrote:
> Today my overhead broke... which really it has been a good
> friend to me for many many days this year. I put a tissue
> to my eye and pretended to cry. My 3rd graders thought
> was the funniest, most hilarious thing... some of them
> thought I was really ...See More
Jan 30, 2008
gene /blockquote>

I had three overheads break in one year. One of them a kid
stuck something in the projector. I saw it out of the conor of
my eye so I was not sure who it was.

On 1/30/08, Rebecca Curtis wrote:
> On 1/23/08, ILteach wrote:
>> Today my overhead broke... which really it has been a good
>...See More
Mar 16, 2008

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