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A Poem for Teacher

My mother asked me yesterday, how things were going at
She said to give her details and to tell her what was cool.

I thought real hard, I strained my brain, And then I let
it rip.
I decided not to leave anything out, as the words tumbled
from my lips.

Calen got in trouble for pushing Keith in line,
Jerry got an A on his test, and Lisa’s doing fine.

Jim forgot his homework, which made the teacher frown,
Austin ran fast on the playground, at least until he fell

Jesse, Joan, and Jennifer giggled all day long,
The music teacher, Mrs. Staff, tried to teach a song.

Things were going really swell until Joe peeked at
Tiffani’s test.
The whole class had to hear a speech about not cheating
and doing your best.

Everybody said “Oooh,” when Jeremiah began to pick his
The room began to stink when Linda took off her sho...See More

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