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Source: Strategies For Effective Teaching, 4th Edition Allan Ornstein Thomas Lasley II

p. 181

Ten new words: explicit implicit appropriate inappropriate encounter diminish enhance encounter master alligator

(A long, formal lesson plan with them that doesn't need to be included :)

Homework: 1) Develop a picture for the meaning of each word (Artistic Intelligence)

2) Create a song that has all 10 words (musical intelligence)

I can't draw well enough to include a picture, but here's my song: (Words are in caps just show I included them..not for stress in the tune :)

When you ENCOUNTER an AL-LI-GATOR ENHANCE, don't DIMINISH the POTENTIAL for survival! (repeat) MASTER your emotions, master your emotions! It's EXPLICIT that it's APPROPRIATE to run away..we all know that! (repeat) But it's IMPLICIT it's INAPPROPRIATE To feed them in the first place.. to feed them in the first place!

Can anyone do better than this ...See More
read this one..better spacing (OP) Ten new words: explicit










(A long, formal lesson plan with them that doesn't need to
be included :)


1) Develop a pictu...See More
Apr 9, 2009
Reminds me of a "whole staff activity" of a couple years ago We were supposed to do some kind of similar multi-intelligence vocabulary exercise with the students every day, all at 10 AM or some such thing. I don't remember all the details, but yep, we were supposed to have the kids draw a picture for each new vocabulary word and so forth.

It fell through pretty quickly, because the kids were confuse...See More
Apr 9, 2009

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