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Hi Everyone -

In addition to working as an AP English teacher in Southern California, I'm also a writer and filmmaker. This summer, I'm filming my first feature. It follows a day in the life of three teachers at a Southern California high school (like they say, write what you know). I'm drawing on ten years of classroom experience myself as I construct the screenplay, but I was hoping I could get some help here in the forum.

If you've got any funny exchanges you've had with students, I'd love to hear them. Here's a couple from my class:

ME Where's Julio?

STUDENT Man, that fool got shot.

ME He was shot?!

STUDENT Yeah, it was hellah funny. But it kinda sucked, too.

Or one of my favorites:

STUDENT Mr. S, you know how you're always talking to us about being better students and people and trying harder, and how you say we never listen?

ME Yeah?

STUDENT Why don't you just give up?

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Debbie This happened when *I* was a student and it was one of the most embarassing things in my life, though now it is pretty funny.

We had dissected earthworms and afterwards we had to take our earthworm up to the teacher's desk and he would point to some pieces on the earthworm and we would have to tell him what they were (an oral quiz).
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Dec 16, 2011

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