The speech pathologist told me that she can not believe how much my students are talking now as compared to the beginning of the year (17-18)! We also do the Alphabet Rap Song (on youtube). One time last year it was played in the cafeteria and my students stood up and sang/moved to it! :)
Many years ago, someone shared signs for learning centers. On these signs were skills students would learn by working/playing at the center. Does anyone have those saved or could you tell me how I can try to find them?
GArunnerI used signs like that when I was working with 3/4 year olds! I looked and could not find mine. But it is called "Just Playing by Anita Wadley". You can google it and it pops up. You might need to create your own posters (clipart) but the poem is still around! Hope this helps!
flackaI know that even if I was in a wheel chair I would want to be there on the first day(s) and would want/need help from a sub, assistant, or trusted volunteer and wouldn't try to do it on my own. However, I would be leading, even if someone had to do the actual physical things like getting them down the hall to lunch, tying shoes, etc.
link below to complete four b...See MoreHello! I am conducting a research study on teachers' beliefs about their ability to teach students diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder in inclusive early childhood classrooms. If you are a teacher in pre-school through third grade or you are preparing to become an early childhood teacher, please follow the
link below to complete four brief documents (it should take 15-20 minutes). Your responses are completely anonymous and all findings will be reported in summary. Please copy and paste link if it does not appear as a live link- thanks:
After completing the survey and scales you will be directed to a new survey form where you can enter your email address to be included in a drawing to win one of four fifty dollar Amazon gift cards. These emails will be used solely for the purposes of the drawing, and to send the winners the gift cards electronically. Upon completion of the drawing, the information in this separate survey will be deleted.
This study has been approved by the Montclair State University Institutional Review Board. If you have any questions please contact me, Corinne Catalano, at
Please share this post with any early childhood teachers or teacher candidates you know.
Thanks so much!
Corinne Catalano
Assistant Director for Consultation Services
Center for Autism and Early Childhood Mental Health
Many years ago I bought some monthly newsletter templates and powerpoints from an online site...seems like it had the name schoolhouse or classroom in it. Does anyone have any idea of the company I am talking about. I have not been able to google name must be wrong.
It's a yearlong commitment: begins in either late September or Early October and ends in the spring. Teachers rotate travel buddies every 4-6 weeks (depends upon the number of participants). Some participants have been in the exchange for up to 8 years so we are a reliable group!
Kindergarten Enrichment Program has 3 students coming 5 days a week, 5 additional come MWF and 5 others come T TH. Will the M-F students just have to hear the same lesson twice?? Occupy them with something else?? Thanks for any ideas!
What advice would you give to a first year Kindergarten teacher? What things do you wish you knew when you started teaching? Advice on summer prepping/planning for the school year. Thanks in advance for any advice/tips/suggestions :D