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I am a first grade teacher and for years have had mild sped kids in my class and have loved having them included. My oldest daughter started K in another district. Her school has special ed students included all day. I found out this district does not believe in self contained. My daughter is a very quiet, timid girl, gets startled easily and very sensitive to outbursts. One of the sped students has low cognitive function, possibly autistic and is nonverbal in language, does not understand English, screams all day, running around the room , jumping off the tables, when he gets frustrated. He kicks his aide, knocks over chairs, pushes people out of his way.

He threw a book which hit my daughter in the back, leaving a bruise. He is overwhelmed. He came from a self contained preschool of 8 kids 3 teachers. This class is 22 kids one teacher and an aide for him. My girl no longer wants to go to school and says this boy scares her. She is always shaking when I pick her up from sch...See More
Terri Well, I don't have a lot to say about the needs of the other student. What I am going to say is about your own daughter's needs. You know she is not learning You know there is no changing what is happening from your side. What you could do is help her yourself to understand what is going on and to feel more secure- give her some skills to help her ...See More
Nov 16, 2015
maureen This whole situation just breaks my heart. I had a first grade daughter who spent her year witnessing a violent child in her classroom. It affected her emotionally.

I also had a sped child in my preK classroom (12 students) with no sped aide who was with me for two years. We managed. The sped people put him in public K with a teacher, no a...See More
Nov 17, 2015
Anonymous for this > jumping off the tables, when he > gets frustrated. He kicks his aide, knocks over chairs, > pushes people out of his way. > > He threw a book which hit my daughter in the back, leaving > a bruise.

I would like to know how this all pans out. I have a regular ed child in my classroom that does all of the above, and we ar...See More
Nov 21, 2015
Judy2/CA I would insist that the principal move my child to another kinder class and if he refuses I would remove my child from the school. I don't know what other schools are available in your area but I would look at private, charter etc. That may seem drastic but she is scared, shaking, crying - I can imagine how hard it is for you to send her to school ...See More
Nov 22, 2015

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