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Hello All, I have lived in the state of South Dakota all my life, and when I graduated from college I was hired in my hometown. I told myself after three years I would be brave and move. However, I am at a crossroads and where to go. I know that my window is closing as far as applying; however, I don't just want to throw applications out like they are dandelion seeds. If you are able to share any thoughts or suggestions on your states and districts, it would greatly be appreciated. Thank you!
Flacka It sounds like you have given this some thought and are ready to try something new. We just retired and went through a similar process only we didn't need to worry about jobs.

If you are open to going anywhere, what part of the country would you like to call home? Do you want to be within driving distance of your family or are you OK with ...See More
Feb 16, 2016
Beth Thank you for the information on the D.C. area! I come from an area where we have the four seasons, or something similar and would like to keep that. I don't want to live in a big city, but am also looking to find someone and start a family so having a fairly good sized city would be great. Also, we don't have much diversity in my home state. So I ...See More
Feb 17, 2016
Suzy On 2/17/16, Beth wrote: > Thank you for the information on the D.C. area! I come from an > area where we have the four seasons, or something similar and > would like to keep that. I don't want to live in a big city, > but am also looking to find someone and start a family so > having a fairly good sized city would be great. Also, we ...See More
Feb 18, 2016
Flacka From your description, the DC area might be a good choice. There are definitely 4 seasons and lots of diversity. When friends and family visit, you will never lack for things to do and because you are in DC, they will come.

There are lots of young people in DC, Arlington Va, and even Alexandria Va so there are lots of bars, good restauran...See More
Feb 18, 2016
NFM On 2/16/16, Flacka wrote: > It sounds like you have given this some thought and are > ready to try something new. We just retired and went > through a similar process only we didn't need to worry about > jobs. > > If you are open to going anywhere, what part of the country > would you like to call home? Do you want to be within...See More
Feb 26, 2016

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