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What is a good book start the year with in Kindergarten? I want to use it for a week. It could deal with colors or friends.
Diane I always like The Kissing Hand or The Invisible String to start the year. Both deal with separation issues in similar ways. My kinders like nothing better than The Day the Crayons Quit when it comes to books about colors. You might also want to look at The Crayon Box that Talked in connection with friendship and inclusion. I also like The Worst Bes...See More
Jun 23, 2016
Flacka I like Brown Bear,Brown Bear. After a couple of readings the kids can "read" it themselves or do choral reading. I have a little book that they can color and "read", they love to act out the story with cutouts of the animals. It's great if you have a lot of ESL students or kids coming without knowing colors.

For colors...See More
Jun 23, 2016
Anne On 6/23/16, KB wrote: > What is a good book start the year with in Kindergarten? > I want to use it for a week. > It could deal with colors or friends. I use Have You Filled a Bucket Today? by Carol McCloud. It helps set the tone for a kind classroom. Be kind is my only class rule. When you are polite, safe and work hard, you are kind to y...See More
Jun 23, 2016

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