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Hello, I am currently taking special education courses at my college and have become very intested in Autism. I also work at a daycare with many children with autism and have a hard time getting coworkers understand that they are different from the other students and need to have certain modifications to thier day. How can i make it easier for people to understand that they need to make modifications for these students? I am worried that when i teach i will have trouble getting teachers to understand this and not just think they have a disipline problem!
Sara On 4/07/12, Amber Toepfer wrote: There's no easy answer to this. Some people including some teachers just don't take input from anybody and go about their day grounded only in their own thinking and their own ideas.

You need administrative support to get anywhere and even then it's hard. Many teachers even when they believe you also believ...See More
Apr 26, 2012

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