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I have heard that iPads, Leap Pads, etc. can be very beneficial in teaching children who have Autism. When using the devices, children stay engaged and interested in the lesson for longer than when taught traditional learning strategies. As a future Speech-Language Pathologist, I plan on using this technology in my therapy sessions. However, I am concerned that some children may be drawn only to the sounds and lights of the “teaching” apps and not learn the lesson being conveyed. Does anyone have any success stories of using iPads in therapy sessions that they would not mind sharing?
Ally Hi I am a behavioral therapist with children with Autism.We use Ipads with them and it really does keep them egaged. We are using them to help the learner mand for things independently using the ipad, and allso as reinforcers during therapy.
Sep 5, 2012
Fiorella Velarde, Boca Raton, Fl Hi Ally,

What types of activities can optimized their learning with the iPad? And with ones you will not recommend. ? Please share with us some of those.

Thanks, Fiorella

On 9/05/12, Ally wrote: > Hi > I am a behavioral therapist with children with Autism.We use > Ipads with them and it really does keep them e...See More
Feb 15, 2013

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