I see so many people here who are looking, rightfully so, for solutions to children's learning and developmental needs. What I am deeply saddened by, is the unfortunate nature by which loving parents and teachers are lead toward unresearched, unfounded, and in the case of Doman- Delacato Repatterning techniques--treatments which have been well-researched and found to have been entirely ineffective!
I don't mean to be a "downer" here, but I feel that my extensive research background has a purpose here. I want to continue to educate those who have not looked, or not found, the research behind the techniques they are interested in using.
Please review the following items. They are a small sampling of the multiple research articles out there that strongly indicate Doman's techniques are not supported in the literature.
Neurophysiological Approaches (A Critique) [link removed]
Position Statement regarding repatterning: American Academy of Pediatrics [link removed]
Position Statement on Doman-Delacato Treatment: National Downs Syndrome Congress [link removed]
Procedures to Avoid: [link removed]
National Council Against Health Fraud: [link removed]
Hines, T. M. (2001). The Doman-Delacato patterning treatment for brain damage. The Scientific Review of Alternative Medicine, 5, 80-89. Abstract: Hines critically reviews the theoretical and empirical bases of "patterning" therapy, a treatment for brain damage that involves a series of bodily exercises that are intended to "rewire" the brain. Hines observes that patterning advocates posit models of brain development and organization that are grossly erroneous. Moreover, he finds that the research evidence supporting the efficacy of patterning is weak, methodological flawed, or both. In one ostensibly supportive study, for example, the investigators conducted 276 separate statistical tests and found that only 8.2% of the findings attained statistical significance at the p < .05 level. Moreover, because many of the dependent measures were highly intercorrelated, this overall result may actually represent worse than chance effects for patterning.
These are just a few summaries of the research that has extensively demonstrated a lack of connection between the Doman (i.e., Doman-Delacato) methods and improvement in children's functioning.
The scholarly research that has been done is comprehensive. Check out your local university library or [link removed].
On 3/27/06, Kim U wrote: > I'm sorry to read that people do not beleive in the > repatterning. I am a beleiver, because it helped me. I was > unable to crawl or sit up at the age of 9 months, I could only > roll to get to where I wanted to go. My parents were told, by a > specialist I would never be "normal." Thank god my parents > didn't listen. > > I was diagnosed by Spitz Clinic with organic brain sydrome. My > parents then began the process of patterning me and rewiring > the motor functions of my brain. I took my first steps by the > age of two. If it was not for Doman/Delacato, I don't know > where I would be today. By looking at me you would never know > that I had this problem as an infant. I know that the > patterning may not work for everyone, but to call it > Psuedoscience is absurd. > > On 1/19/06, Danny Murray wrote: >> Jan. 19, 2006 >> >> Hi, >> >> Does anyone know anything about the effectiveness of the >> Structures of Intellect labs and improving reading skills. >> Our school distrct just invested huge amounts of money into >> the labs the be used as reading intervention. I can't find >> any 3rd person research from outside of the company that >> shows the labs work. I checked with the International >> Reading Association as well and found nothing. >> >> Sounds like a Doman and Delacato approach to me. If you have >> any information please let me know. >> >> Danny Murray >> [email removed]];
Has anyone done (solid) research/is doing research proving that brain gym is pseudoscience? Is is not likely that you can find books against brain gym, right?
In previous posts here, I have cited multiple studies and provided links where available indicating the research that has been done. Thus far, the scientific research with solid design has shown the lack of efficacy for brain gym.
Review previous posts on this board within teachers.net for these article citations, plus critiques, web links, etc.
On 7/07/05, kel wrote: > Has anyone done (solid) research/is doing research proving > that brain gym is pseudoscience? Is is not likely that you > can find books against brain gym, right? > > if you know of anyone, do inform me.
A friend told me yesterday, Eric Jensen is offering a new workshop called "Principle-Driven Teaching" it is based from his book Super Teaching. Has anyone in here read that book? Just curious to know.
For Malaysia parents, teachers,educationist, kindy operators, child minders and anyone interested in early childhood development which is using Glenn Doman Program, you can contact the authorised agent at 016-3128845, 016-3370287.We are conducting a free educational talk on Glenn Doman Program on 6th August 2005 at 3.30pm.Those who are interested to attend please call any of the telephone numbers for RSVP.