Learning Research
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Teaching Jobs on Teachers.Net

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I would like to know if any firt time teachers with a
family of two or more can throw some poniter my way of how
to stay organized and work full time.
Lori /blockquote>

On 9/19/05, lara wrote:
> I would like to know if any firt time teachers with a
> family of two or more can throw some poniter my way of how
> to stay organized and work full time.

Hi Lara,

I am a mother of two. My children are 4 and 1 1/2, so I
understand how busy being a full tim...See More
Sep 19, 2005
t /blockquote>

I go to work an hour early. My husband takes care of getting
the kids off to school. With my early morning hour, I try to
get all my correcting and adminstrative stuff done. That way,
at the end of the day, I leave with just a book or two. I do
usually wind up on the computer doing a few things or looking
up ...See More
Sep 19, 2005

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