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I am an ESL teacher, split between a ms and hs in a suburban
district. I have to make two completely different schedules
(one seven day rotating, one monday-friday block) mesh in
order to spend 50% of my time at each school. It works out
nicely for the high school, but the middle kids are being

My problem is that I have to pull these kids out and the
scheduling is a nightmare. To make matters worse, many of
the teachers are uncooperative about when I can pull the
kids. The district says one thing, then doesn't back me up.
Today, I was told that the reading teacher takes precedence
over ESL (and the reading teacher confessed that she doesn't
know how to work with an intermediate ESL student). So some
of my students are only being seen by me about once a week,
for about 45 minutes. According to the state, they should
see me a minimun of 45 minutes A DAY.

At the HS, I TEACH one ESL class and the...See More

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Language Arts

Foreign Language