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I am a brand spankin new teacher. All of my classes were
doing great up until I started grading homework
assignments last week. That initial new school year
attitude has worn off and the students are turning
incomplete work or not turning it in at all. I had a
failure rate of about 2 children in each class before I
graded last weeks homework. Suddenly, children are
failing at startling rates! I had to call parents this
afternoon to find out why thier children were not turning
in assignments. Many of them were shocked since a week
ago thier child had an A-. Now they have a 68%. 50 out
of 120 children in my classes are now failing. Its not
that the assignments got any harder. The content is
relatively easy and I presented it with lots of examples,
notes and etc. So i am stuck as to what to do. i'm
nervous that this will look poorly on me as a teacher.
I've already given the class "give" grades. Most ...See More
Miss. G-Unit /blockquote>

It is my 3rd year teaching science and in the past I have had
this same problem. What I am doing this year is grading with
an ABC policy and anything under is an incomplete. As soon as
I observe a student receiving an incomplete, they are not
allowed to do any science labs until they are caught up. THis
requi...See More
Sep 22, 2005

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