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I am a new HS math teacher with 3 preps. I am working
easily 70 + hours a week. At first I was exhausted and
upset...now I am exhausted and resentful. I have one 50
minute prep period. I get to school at 7:30 and get home
around 6 only to put in a few more hours prepping for the
next day. I work most Sunday afternoons 4-5 hours. Is this
normal? Any help? Ideas? Coping skills? I'm not sure i'm
going to make it even until Thanksgiving. I have three
children of my own who feel like I'm never there for them
fed-up ex-teacher /blockquote>

Unfortunately, your hours are normal for teachers at all
levels these days. Teachers need to get together and fight
for their rights.

Fed-up ex-teacher
Oct 29, 2005
NotPC /blockquote>

On 10/29/05, fed-up ex-teacher wrote:
> Unfortunately, your hours are normal for teachers at all
> levels these days. Teachers need to get together and fight
> for their rights.
> Fed-up ex-teacher

There are many hard working teacher, some who are not. There is
a conservative t...See More
Nov 1, 2005
paula /blockquote>

I teach elementary, third grade. I get to school around 7:15 am
and leave around 5:00pm daily. I also work about 5 hours on the
weekends to prepare homework and enrich my program.

I have taught at the same school in the same room and the same
grade for 9 years. I don't know what I am doing wrong.
<...See More
Nov 6, 2005
Sue2 /blockquote>

I don't want to seem resentful, but working 70/80 hours a week for
so little pay is why I sub instead of teach. I tried teaching
full time several years ago. I literally was in the school (I
was a traveling teacher) by 7:30 a.m. at the latest every
morning. 5:00 p.m. was norm for leaving. Have to make copies...See More
Nov 13, 2005
Joel /blockquote>

On 9/20/05, iteachmath wrote:
> I am a new HS math teacher with 3 preps. I am working
> easily 70 + hours a week. At first I was exhausted and
> upset...now I am exhausted and resentful. I have one 50
> minute prep period. I get to school at 7:30 and get home
> around 6 only to put in a fe...See More
Aug 26, 2006

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