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I hate to work right out of my spelling book, so I'm
looking for some good lessons, hands-on, to do with my
kids. This week we played bingo, made words, and fill in
the blanks--the words were not complete so they had to
fill in the correct letters.

I'm just looking for some more!

Lisa /blockquote>

We write our words in shaving cream on our desks, use mini
whiteboards, write them on our neighbors back (with
finger!), clap on the vowels, sing the spellings to familiar
tunes (there is a website with cute tunes to sing--
[link removed].
Oct 10, 2005
Brian /blockquote>

On 9/22/05, Cassie wrote:
> I hate to work right out of my spelling book, so I'm
> looking for some good lessons, hands-on, to do with my
> kids.
> I'm just looking for some more!
> Thanks Cassie

Cassie, there's a wholebrain learning technique which allows 7
ye...See More
Jun 22, 2006

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