Learning Research
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I would like to see more research into the mind acting as a parallel processor showing how our individual environments greatly affect thinking, learning, motivation to learn over time "mental reward received for mental work expended", and also, hopefully an end to the false teachings of genetics or permanence in ability taught in school today. I feel it is related to many harmful escapes by students and death from drug/alcohol abuse and suicide.

I would like to see research into improving independent learning through intrinsic reward. Intrinsic reward is that which enables the student to enjoy the work they are performing sufficiently to do their homework and work independently. To gain Intrinsic Reward we must use the effect our environment plays on our mind’s ability to learn. This is something that should be looked at from all levels of education, but especially for grades 4 through 12. I link motivation to intrinsic reward and see its formula as “mental reward received...See More

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