I am working through my MLIS/School Media Specialist program and have been wondering about your experiences with AASL's Standards are 21st Century Learners.
Are you using them? How are they received by faculty? Hate it? Love it? Don't even know what they are?
Please...any input would be great.
Background for my internship: We use none of the standards. Typical reading storybooks lesson plans. Very 20th century! No librarian-teacher collaboration. Needless to say very frustrated between what I am learning in school and what is actually happening in the class.
looking for advice on disposing of Maryland state textbooks for Non-Public schools. Just took over in the media center of my school and there are a ton of books purchased with state money that are no longer being used/ are severely out of date. Not sure what to do with them.
Is there anyone on this board who has written an SLO for their students? I plan on using the TRAILS assessment for one group, but I wasn't sure what to assess for another group of students. Any help or ideas would be really appreciated.
For BethAh, school acronyms! :) So I don't know what an SLO is (Student Learning....Observation??!)but am evaluated as a certificated elementary level teacher, too. Look at it in a positive way, that you are considered a 'real' teacher! You must have Common Core? Have your school's state test scores been released yet? I would look at weaknesses for reading...See MoreAh, school acronyms! :) So I don't know what an SLO is (Student Learning....Observation??!)but am evaluated as a certificated elementary level teacher, too. Look at it in a positive way, that you are considered a 'real' teacher! You must have Common Core? Have your school's state test scores been released yet? I would look at weaknesses for reading at a particular grade level. Then find the CCS that links to it. Not sure if you need or want to bring in another tech integration component since you have the TRAILS already, but if so, they could research something tied to a grade- level's curriculum and you could teach some info lit skills with that. Best would be to find out which students in the class are on IEPS, have Title support,etc and make them part of your target. I don't think it's realistic to assume this will be for all the students in the school? I assume you can choose a grade level or one classroom with some kids who need more support? That's how mine is done, I can choose which two classes to feature, although explaining why is important in the goals and narrative. Hope this helps, and that you have a great year. Have you seen The Day the Crayons Quit yet? AWESOME way to start the year as a read aloud, I used it with 6th graders, too :) On 8/21/14, Beth wrote: > I just started a job this week at an elementary school, and they > told me that I have to write two SLOs for my evaluation. I was > an English teacher, and since I see all of the students in the > school (even though I don't grade them), I am considered a > teacher. > > Is there anyone on this board who has written an SLO for their > students? I plan on using the TRAILS assessment for one > group, but I wasn't sure what to assess for another group of > students. Any help or ideas would be really appreciated.
I have had more activities in the library this year than ever before. I have worked with more teachers this year than in all previous years combined. People come in and comment about how inviting I have made the environment. I am sending out newletters about activities in the library, so I am communicating more than ever. I am following the rules that have been set before me about student usage. Mind you, I do not set these rules. I am, however, required to follow them. These rules limit how the students get to come to the library. These rules are changing next year due to factors outside of the library.
I know this is a long post, but as I plan for the next year, I would love for the critisim to be that the students want to be in the library instead of the classroom. I can only get the students to read if they are here with me. Any suggestions would be helpful.
I understand how you are feeling. It does take time to develop good relationships with classroom teachers and students. Some teachers resent library teachers because they feel they have an easier job (if they only knew all the work involved in running a library media center!) If you are too lenient with children they will take advantage of you. Children may not like but respect teachers who are tough.
You seem to be doing the correct things with developing good relations with your teaching staff. I distributed library newsletters monthly, attended and participated in team, subject area and grade meetings, gave a library orientation to all the new teachers, etc. Gave library orientation (3 sessions) to all incoming sixth grade lessons. I also started an early morning library program that was very well attended. It gave the children a chance to complete assignments, do research, read the books and magazines and take out or return books.
I found the cooperative learning activities I developed in all subject areas really helped.
In time your reputation will definitely improve so don't despair.
I feel that the minimum should definitely be two books per term. It is hard to believe that there is no standard set by your administration. You might want to consider extra credit for reading more books above the required number each term. You could also try three books for the first term and see how that works out.
I would love to see more assigned per term but you have to realize that there are other factors to consider. Such factors as: the length of the book, the level of the book, the competing after school activities of the children (sports, dance, drama, art, etc). Unfortunately not all children love to read as there are too many competing things in their lives (cell phones, computers, Xboxes, television, etc). I wish all children were like my eldest granddaughter (age 9) who is a voracious reader.
I would suggest developing a list of suggested books covering non fiction, fiction, and biography) that the children could read. I would suggest coordinating this with the school librarian. This list should be given not only to the school librarian but the public library (I used to serve on a town’s library board and I worked with developing a better system of communication between the schools and the public library).
Good luck, it is always nerve wrecking to have a book challenged. But, if the procedures are followed, then every book gets a fair evaluation.
On 5/25/09, J wrote: > Hi there! I am currently taking a class on Censorship. I > have been reading a lot of articles etc. on the Library > Bill of Rights and Intellectual Freedom. How would you > handle this scenario in your building? A teacher in the > building complains over a book that 4th-6th graders are > going to read for Battle of the books. It is called, To > Dance (graphic Novel) In the book the author refers to the > word "boobs" and also it discusses their size etc. The > teacher complains about it and wants it pulled from the > kids. He also won't return the copy that he has until the > issue is resolved. So how would you handle it? Who would be > your resource to prevent the censorship from taking place. > Any help with this would be GREAT! Thank you
I am transferring from an Elementary school library to the high school library in my district. I am replacing someone who is retiring. I am going to meet with her soon. I was wondering some good questions to ask her while I have the chance. Any suggestions??? Thank you
I would also ask to be introduced to those teachers that have good working relationships with the Media Center. It is always helpful to know which teachers want to utilize the resources.
Good Luck!
On 5/28/09, transfer library wrote: > Hello > > I am transferring from an Elementary school library to the > high school library in my district. I am replacing someone > who is retiring. I am going to meet with her soon. I was > wondering some good questions to ask her while I have the > chance. Any suggestions??? > Thank you
I've been reading this book and it is so good that I just had to share it with everyone!!! It really gets to the heart of what being a Media Specialist is all about.
"Librarians as Learning Specialists: Meeting the Learning Imperative for the 21st Century" by Violet H. Harada and Allison Zmuda