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I am a college student studying to become a teacher and I
have been assigned a project in which I have to crete a
novel unit. I choose the book Stuart Little by E.B.
White. I have to come up with several activities for a
forth grade class. I have to include art, writing, drama,
and music activities. I was wondering if anyone had any
ideas that could help me develop the novel unit. Thank You
Kristin /blockquote>

I'm actually just about to start this story in my classroom. I
plan to have the students do a lot of group work--reading the
chapter and then answering questions about it. The students
will need to answer about 5 questions from each chapter in
complete sentences, define a few vocabulary words, then work
on so...See More
Apr 27, 2008
Kathryn /blockquote>

We are reading that in my third grade class right now. Draw
Stuart Little based on the descriptions in the book. Draw a
picture from the perspective of Stuart looking at New York
City, or a bedroom, etc. Write a friendship song/poem between
Margalo and Stuart. Write an alternative ending. Rap a summary
to the...See More
May 1, 2008

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