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I'm on a mission. In the never-ending quest to be a better teacher, I had an epiphany of sorts the other day. I received a new student that has moved around _A LOT_.

After comparing three of his report cards for the same third grade year I was shocked to find that, on paper, this student looked like three different kids. Of course I realize that there is a lot more to learning than the report card - but perhaps a more specific report card can improve teaching and learning? I observed that the teacher whose district had a very specific report card had a very clear understanding of where this child was on the learning spectrum and what he had yet to learn.

After closer inspection, I realized that it was the depth of reporting on the documents that was obviously the difference. Then that got me thinking about how my district could improve student learning - maybe a more explicit report card may help!

My request is this . . . would you all be wil...See More

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