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Hi all...

I would like some feedback if anyone can help. I teach LA and was recently told to focus solely on drilling specific skills with my students in order to prepare them for the state test. Specifically, I was told to select a few target skills (e.g. making inferences, drawing conclusions, reading for details, etc.), break my students into three ability groups, and differentiate instruction for these groups. It was suggested that the advanced students get worksheets while I work with the other groups. I never teach like this, so I am having an extremely difficult time understanding how to differentiate worksheets from test prep books. If anyone has been in a similar situation and can share some suggestions, please do, because I am beyond frustrated.
paulaj no ideas. Just wanted you to know we are reading the posts. Ask whoever told you (Principal?) for some worksheets.
Apr 16, 2009
lynne/ca Ideas for differentiation when teaching skills such as making inferences, drawing conclusions, or reading for details:

- Teach the same skill to the whole class, but with the less advanced groups use shorter, simpler readings so that they can focus more on the skill without getting as bogged down by the reading.

- You might even r...See More
Apr 18, 2009

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