PLEA...See MoreI am a former high school English teacher working on dissertation and need help from current teachers. I NOW NEED 300 high school teachers (math, science, social studies, or English) to take the following survey: Everyone who qualifies for the survey can enter to win 1 of 4 $50 Target Gift cards.
PLEASE take the survey if you qualify, pass the link onto fellow teachers, and share this status and help me get closer to finishing this PhD. And THANK YOU to those who've participated thus far!
First time posting, I hope this is being done in the right location and format.
I am looking for software I can use, online, to show students how to work with different shapes (circles, squares, nets) and walk the student through how to find area and perimeter. I would like to have the shape on the screen, being able to change its orientation and size, and write on it (addition, explanations, labeling).
There are many out there, but I am not comfortable downloading unknown software.
Can anyone suggest something decent. I'm willing to pay, but if you know of a tried and true one which is free please let me know.