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I went into my room where the teacher before me had been for years and there was a huge gray plastic tote full of manipulatives! I'm only going to have 12 students in k-2 and I'm pretty sure that I won't need all those! What and how much of each to you suggest I keep. Here is a sample of what I saw: Hundreds of unifix cubes Hundreds of things similar to unifix cubes Gallons and gallons of circular counters (measured by the gallon size zip loc bags they are in.) Gallon bags of each shape and color of pattern blocks. Cuisinere (spelling?) blocks Frogs of various sizes and plastic logs wooden blocks about 1 inch square Lots of transparent plastic examples of the other manipulatives. I know that manipulatives are important, but I only want to keep what I need because space is important too! Thank you in advance.
ok I had the same problem in middle school, but instead of a grey plastic tote the stuff (going back about 30 years) filled all six cabinets in the room.

1) I don't know K, but I'd say keep more than you think you will need. Will you always have 12 kids? How about 24-30 in 1st or 2nd grade if you get moved?

2) What are your going to ...See More
Aug 1, 2012

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