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Hi all - I'm hoping some of the current math & computer science teachers can give me some good advice. I originally started my degree in 1990 at Lenoir-Rhyne University in NC. I started out with a Math & Physics dual major and completeed Calc 2 and Physics 2 honors before I became lazy and switched majors. To make a long story short, I switched majors numerous times, ended up joining the Army, and here I am 19 years later...still 18 credits shy of my degree. I have plenty of time to finish before retiring from the military. My question is this: With a goal of teaching middle or high school math, physics, and/or computer science when I get out of the Army, would it be viable to go ahead and consolidate my various courses into a BS in Liberal Studies? If not, would a degree in computer science be preferable?
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Rich/CA/Math On 8/17/12, Math Teach to OP wrote:

> Of course, too many administrators don't care if their math > teachers can't describe the difference between a Jacobian and > a Wronskian when teaching y = mx+b. And we wonder why this > nation lags others in math proficiency.

On the one hand I am sympathetic to your point of view...See More
Aug 17, 2012
Math Teach Yeah, Rich, I DID get carried away with that one, and I agree, Wornskians and Jacobians have nothing to do with linear eq's. I guess what I was trying to say is that administrators don't care about teachers' math proficiency. During every interview I attended,not once was I asked about my math background.

But I AM sick of having to get in...See More
Aug 18, 2012
Rich/CA/Math On 8/18/12, Math Teach wrote: > > Yeah, Rich, I DID get carried away with that one, and I agree, > Wornskians and Jacobians have nothing to do with linear eq's. I > guess what I was trying to say is that administrators don't care > about teachers' math proficiency. During every interview I > attended,not once was I asked about my ...See More
Aug 18, 2012
Todd Thank you all very much for the input - I certainly appreciate it!

I know what you mean about teachers who simply want a job. Observing how my son has been taught math (rather poorly) has re-ignited my passion for it. I have had to undo some his teachers' damage over the years, as many seem to only teach the 'how' and not the 'why'. They ...See More
Aug 20, 2012
Math Teach So, you DO want to major in math. I had you figured for one of those others sneaking in through the back door. Math degree IS the way to go.

Yes, there are a LOT of online resources available. Have you checked out MIT's opencourseware? They have videotaped courses on Linear (Matrix) Algebra, Diffy-Qs and the Calculus. There is even a free ...See More
Aug 20, 2012

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