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Anybody bought one of these, or have some experience with them? Or any other Common Core curriculum? Do you have textbooks at all? Or are you creating your own CC curriculum?
Jenn LaRosee Our school uses Go Math for grades K-6; we have been using it partially (with Houghton-Mifflin Math)for the past two years and this year we are fully implementing it. If your school or district invests in it, it's imperative to also buy the on- line resource, Think Central. This is where you can access almost EVERYTHING - review lessons, Smartboard...See More
Feb 18, 2014
tchr Our school is reviewing Go Math for grades 6-8. It is definitely not without it's faults. It seems to be rigorous only in the numbers chosen, not going deeper with thinking, unless you use the HOT questions. While no book will be perfect, Big Ideas is full of fluff. It feels as if they created activity days to make it look like they were hands on a...See More
Feb 19, 2014
ok Thank you for your opinions, that is very helpful.
Feb 26, 2014
Eddie Washetas Jenn, Can you please message me about Smartboard lessons. I have been teaching 3rd grade for 10 years now I am moving to 6th grade math and most teachers don't like technology, I want smartboard lessons, I would be glad if you could help. [email removed]?
Aug 22, 2016

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