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Allow me to share this with you. I think I started online tutoring around 2003 a few months prior to the death of John Ritter.

Back then, I was on AOL and I did some "live" tutoring using mom's computer. It was a like a private chatroom, working one-on-one. Eventually, I ran into a couple of truly annoying students. So, I stopped that practice. Now I do my helping at various math sites.

I remember a male student whose brain was truly lost in space. I'd be explaining a concept to him and he'd come up with another question (sometimes it was related to our topic, sometimes not). I'd try to get him back on track, but he'd come up with even more insane questions.

I'd spend two hours with him and not accomplish anything. The last straw came when he bounced me around for an hour. Then he dared to say, "Wait a minute! You're all over the place!" That did it! I love tutoring but people are more complicated than formulas.

Another student was a high school gi...See More

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