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Most people, including some math majors, hate fractions. A fraction, in simple terms, is part divided by whole. Here is my honest answer: Yes, fractions can be somewhat complicated or so they say. To add or subtract, you have get a common denominator, etc. Some people never get it and because our school system is horrific, they somehow find their way into calculus 1. Can you believe it?

For example, I'm doing the Quotient Rule in a math forum and some student will stop me and ask how I got the answer. So, I go over it again very, very carefully. And he says, "Well, I was never good at fractions." I really hate when people think this is a good excuse. People just love to BRAG about their ignorance.

Someone else will say, "I can't spell!" And a hundred others will shout, "Me too!" Someone is giving you directions to his house. And you say, "Can you draw me a map?" His answer: "Me? I can't draw a straight line!"

Someone asks "Do you know the song God Bless Ameri...See More
Actually On 8/19/14, harpazo wrote:

> There is no excuse for people > having a high school diploma to > not know the basics of fractions. > Trust me, if you can add (1/2) + > (1/4), you should be able to add > (1/a) + (1/b). The same fractional > rules apply in both cases.

the way we each fractions they would not be do...See More
Aug 21, 2014
harpazo On 8/21/14, Actually wrote: > On 8/19/14, harpazo wrote: > >> There is no excuse for people >> having a high school diploma to >> not know the basics of fractions. >> Trust me, if you can add (1/2) + >> (1/4), you should be able to add >> (1/a) + (1/b). The same fractional >> rules apply in both cases...See More
Aug 25, 2014
Actually On 8/25/14, harpazo wrote:

> Let me see. > > 1/a + 1/b = > > LCD is ab.

You have no idea whether ab is the LCD or not (a and b could be 4 and 6 - ab would be 24 but the lcd would be 12). Which is kind of the point. ab may not be the lowest common denominator, but it most certainly will always be a common denominator...See More
Aug 25, 2014

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