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Hello everyone, I will be teaching a 7th grade pre algebra resource class of 10 boys half of which are at a fourth/ fifth grade level. As well an 8th grade algebra 1 (part 1) resource class for a class of 6 boys. Could anyone share suggestions/ideas on classroom management. I was thinking of teaching each class using a rotation through math centers. Each class is 70 minutes. I will have a smartboard. My classroom is just big enough for 10-12 student desk. I was thinking about incorporating interactive notebooks as well as signing all the students up with Is anyone currently using either interactive student notebooks or mobymax that could share some feedback. Any advise that can be shared that would help make this first year manageable would be great. Thank you.
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On 8/21/14, First year wrote: > > Hello everyone, > I will be teaching a 7th grade pre algebra resource class > of 10 boys half of which are at a fourth/ fifth grade level. > As well...See More
Aug 22, 2014
Tough assignment On 8/21/14, First year wrote: > > Hello everyone, > I will be teaching a 7th grade pre algebra resource class > of 10 boys half of which are at a fourth/ fifth grade level. > As well an 8th grade algebra 1 (part 1) resource class for > a class of 6 boys. Could anyone share suggestions/ideas > on classroom management. I was thin...See More
Aug 22, 2014
harpazo On 8/22/14, Tough assignment wrote: > On 8/21/14, First year wrote: >> >> Hello everyone, >> I will be teaching a 7th grade pre algebra resource class >> of 10 boys half of which are at a fourth/ fifth grade level. >> As well an 8th grade algebra 1 (part 1) resource class for >> a class of 6 boys. Could anyone...See More
Aug 25, 2014

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