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ok The only kids who don't remember left to right are the ones who would have zero chance of remembering ANY of it without a mnemonic. It's been about 10&37; in my classes.

The ones who are good in math (50&37;), remember it without a mnemonic.

If the left to right is killing you, try something like: Please remember my dear a...See More
Feb 24, 2015
ok > 7 - 12/3 * 8 + 0 * (3 - 6) ^ 2

Kids like to determine order without actually having to do the work. Let them just write the order for practice:

7 - 12/3 * 8 + 0 * (3 - 6) ^ 2 6 3 4 7 5 1 2

(Hope the spacing maintains)
Feb 24, 2015
Or On 2/24/15, ok wrote:
> The only kids who don't remember left to right are the
> ones
> would have zero chance of remembering ANY of it without a
> mnemonic. It's been about 10&37; in my classes.
> The ones who are good in math (50&37;), remember it without
> a mnemonic.
&...See More
Feb 25, 2015
ok We do, that's why the top 50&37; remember it without a mnemomic.
Mar 6, 2015
so On 3/06/15, ok wrote: > We do, that's why the top 50&37; remember it without a > mnemomic.

only the top 50&37; need to actually understand it? Personally I always shot for a little higher success rate.
Mar 7, 2015

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