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High-school education, Procedural-programing education, Fair bitwise-operation education,

tag words involved with this question: [ &37; Operator, Matrices, remainder of division, Modulus/Cross-Product ]

tutoring request: Please help me understand the pattern of these results. What aspects of math or bit manipulation is occurring to result in these answers? Please help me visualize the process occurring to achieve these results. These answers are calculated by the Secondlife physics engine consistently.

2 &37; 100=2 3 &37; 100=3 100 &37; 2=0 100 &37; 3=1 4 &37; -4=0 4 &37; -3=1 4 &37; -2=0 4 &37; -1=0 4 &37; 1=0 4 &37; 2=0 4 &37; 3=1 4 &37; 4=0 4 &37; 5=4 4 &37; 6=4 4 &37; 7=4 4 &37; 8=4 4 &37; 9=4 4 &37; 10=4 4 &37; 11=4 4 &37; 12=4 4 &37; 16=4
Modulo The operator you are designating &37; is usually (in the US anyway) called mod. So where you write 10 &37; 2 I would normally write 10 mod 2.

Basically what the value of "a mod b" is the remainder when a is divided by b.

Looking at some of your examples, the last 9 of them had a value of 4 because if you divide 4...See More
Dec 30, 2014
ChristineBunny Mr/Ms Modulo Dec 30, 2014 That was a fantastically educational answer! and yes it took this long for me to get back into it considering the Christmas insanity! Thank you so much for a very helpful response! This is going to be very useful to me in my work! thank you! *happy hugs!* Good tutorial!

so 16 mod 2 = 0 16 mod 8 = 0 17 mod 8 = 1 7...See More
Jan 12, 2015
You're welcome and thanks for coming back and saying something Often people post questions, get answers, and are never heard from again. When that happens you never know if you just were not helpful or are they just rude. It is nice to know that this was helpful.

On 1/12/15, ChristineBunny wrote: > > > Mr/Ms Modulo Dec 30, 2014 > That was a f...See More
Jan 13, 2015

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