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Our school is pushing towards a general no-homework policy. Is there anybody out there successfully doing this, or tried it and can offer some feedback? I teach 8th grade pre-algebra.
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coyoteboy Thanks for your response. It IS hard to differentiate in math! And I have the same issue with a very diverse demographic. I will definitely check out the book.
Jan 20, 2015
kahching Hello Coyoteboy,

In response to your question: "How do you deal with the perception that a teacher who doesn't give homework is "easier" or not adequately preparing students for the next level?"

I could see my "A" students saying it was easier but my interpretation may be different than the one you a...See More
Jan 20, 2015
coyoteboy Thanks, this was very helpful. I really appreciate the
time you took to answer my questions in depth. Thanks for
giving me an idea of how I can make this work in my
Jan 20, 2015
MCN Math concepts can be used to determine homework?

First, some basic vocabulary:

Standardized learner: Student who's assessment of math learned falls within one standard deviation of class average for a particular class taught by same teacher.

Average homework: Homework that produces a reasonably normal distribution of corr...See More
Jan 24, 2015
coyoteboy Ok, my point exactly. If it's so hard to get homework right, why not look for a more effective strategy?
Jan 27, 2015

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