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I used the integration method to calculate the following equation to find out the area between 1 and 4 was 51. The equation is 0.6666x^3 - x^2 + 8x + c.

However, when I use Trapezoidal rule and simpsons rule, the results are 82.

Why there are such difference in result?
Interval too long On 2/26/15, Tom wrote: > I used the integration method to calculate the following > equation to find out the area between 1 and 4 was 51. > The equation is 0.6666x^3 - x^2 + 8x + c. > > However, when I use Trapezoidal rule and simpsons rule, > the results are 82. > > Why there are such difference in result? >

Th...See More
Feb 26, 2015

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