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Hi everyone. I've been trying to solve this riddle now for about a week and just don't know how to do it. Here's what I know:

I'm looking at sales over 24 months. For the first 9 months, I sell 10000 units. In the following 7 months, I sold an additional 10000 units. In the final 8 months, I sold 20000 units for a total sales figure of 40000 over 2 years.

I'm trying to create a sales growth curve that's not linear (I'm sure I sold way less in month 1 than in month 8, so dividing 10000 units by 9 months isn't accurate.) Can anyone help with this? I'd GREATKY appreciate it because I'm pulling my hair out.
John J. Xenakis On 6/13/16, Ryan Harris wrote: > Hi everyone. I've been trying to solve this riddle now > for about a week and just don't know how to do it. > Here's what I know: > > I'm looking at sales over 24 months. For the first 9 > months, I sell 10000 units. In the following 7 months, I > sold an additional 10000 units. In the final 8 m...See More
Jun 13, 2016

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