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Recently, I taught a sample lesson to a few high school students. In the beginning, they seemed very excited, but as we reached the harder problems, they immediately gave up. I was wondering how I can further engage the students who feel that they don't have a "talent for math"?
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rayankabbout When it comes to learning math, not every student is a fan. I believe it's about making math fun and helping students love the learning journey.

A few things that have worked in my classroom include: - Math games are a tried-and-true method for bringing excitement and competition to your classroom. Whether online or in person, math games ...See More
Feb 4, 2023
rayankabbout When it comes to learning math, not every student is a fan. I believe it's about making math fun and helping students love the learning journey.

A few things that have worked in my classroom include: - Math games are a tried-and-true method for bringing excitement and competition to your classroom. Whether online or in person, math games ...See More
Feb 4, 2023
rayankabbout When it comes to learning math, not every student is a fan. I believe it's about making math fun and helping students love the learning journey.

A few things that have worked in my classroom include: - Math games are a tried-and-true method for bringing excitement and competition to your classroom. Whether online or in person, math games ...See More
Feb 4, 2023
rayankabbout When it comes to learning math, not every student is a fan. I believe it's about making math fun and helping students love the learning journey.

A few things that have worked in my classroom include: - Math games are a tried-and-true method for bringing excitement and competition to your classroom. Whether online or in person, math games ...See More
Feb 4, 2023
rayankabbout When it comes to learning math, not every student is a fan. I believe it's about making math fun and helping students love the learning journey.

A few things that have worked in my classroom include: - Math games are a tried-and-true method for bringing excitement and competition to your classroom. Whether online or in person, math games ...See More
Feb 4, 2023

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