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I really want to teach, and I do have a teaching license and a bit of teaching experience, but I just haven't been able to find work here. Also, some of the schools do not appear to have strong discipline policies in place. This is probably only for information right now, but what would I need to do to start my own legitimate school? Could I start a school exclusively online, or would I need a physical building? Who would I need to hire? Where could I find funding? What would I need to know to be successful? Please post start-to-finish guidelines.
it takes some effort, time and research On 4/25/12, subteacher86 wrote: > Hi,

Your best bet now is to try to start a charter school - but that can depend on where you are. The times for starting any school are not good.There are a ton of online schools - check them out. Visit charter schools in your area.

Your post reads like a homework assignment actually. Some pri...See More
May 9, 2012
subteacher86 Okay,

No, I'm serious; I really do want to research starting my own school or help someone start his or her own private or charter school, because I have not been able to find a position, and the schools are making choices that simply do not make sense. I care about education, and I would like to have a shot at giving students another wor...See More
May 12, 2012
simplest advice on starting a school On 5/12/12, subteacher86 wrote: > Okay, > If a charter school, you'd need to check out the process for your state because the process to open a charter school varies from state to state.

As to opening a learning center with classes, you'd likely start that as any business starts. Find a place, put out your shingle, and try to get the...See More
May 18, 2012

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