Mentor Teachers
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Mentor Teachers,

Sorry, but another aspect of teaching with which I struggle is classroom management. During student teaching, my cooperating teacher didn't even require me to learn the students' names, and they acted up every time he was out of the room, even if it was just for a short time. Now, as a substitute teacher, I have even more difficult classroom management situations. I sometimes try a token economy where candy or small prizes are given out to students who follow the proper procedures, but, sometimes, it's still a disaster despite my best efforts. I know there is chain regular teachers need to follow, but, in your experience, what really works? Please give me specific details. What kinds of strategies and procedures do you use? I currently deal mostly with high school and middle school as a short- term substitute teacher.
Sara On 12/08/12, km wrote: > Mentor Teachers,

Candy does not work and it worries me that you would think for a moment it would - children and teenagers are not lab rats to go through a maze for a piece of cheese.

Good lessons go a long way toward helping with classroom management as your other post seemed to know - if you bore kid...See More
Dec 9, 2012
km Could you explain to me step-by-step what you do each day to manage your class? What kinds of activities do you use and what kind of technology? How do you deal with rowdy students or deal with classroom disruptions? How do you handle discipline problems after already warning a student about his / her behavior once or twice? I think I need some per...See More
Dec 11, 2012

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