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I am a kindergarten teacher embarking on implementing a K-
1 class with one of my 1st grade peers.

We will have a total of 40 students in this class (20
kinder and 20 1st grade)--and we are currently planning to
see how we will integrate without being insensitive to the
kinder experience. The hardest part for me is imagining
what it will look like especially during the first days of
school. As a kinder teacher we do a great deal of
socializing whereas I'm sure 1st graders come to school
ready to learn.

Do you have any information (i.e. schedule, behavior
system) that would work for the group that I'm
describing? Any information you have will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
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Ashley /blockquote>


I love multi-age and would never go back. I will kind of explain how it works in my
classroom. I teach K-1 with two teachers and about 30-35 students. We do as
much as we can together (hence the philosophy of multi-age) In my class we have
two grouping systems. Shining staring and shooting stars the...See More
May 21, 2007
Niki /blockquote>

Hello Kathleen,

Thanks for your response. When I asked what the
classroom "looked like" I was considering the physical aspect--
centers, community meeting area, tables and so forth. Your
ideas really provided some clarity into how to teach both
grades as "one." Again, thanks for your response.
...See More
May 27, 2007
Niki /blockquote>

Ashley, what does your classroom physically look like? I really
appreciate your response, you have given me some great ideas!
Is it possible for you to email me?



On 5/21/07, Ashley wrote:
> Hi,
> I love multi-age and would never go back. I will kind of ...See More
May 27, 2007
anne Hi,

Are you ladies still teaching k/1? i'm teaching for the first time and i'm stressed out but loving it at the same time. I just want to make sure my students are getting the best of the program.

I have more K's than gr. 1's and I was wondering what type of management strategies you have. I have extensions for centers but I have...See More
Oct 27, 2009
Anthony If you need a way to keep multiple classes curriculum and progress separate try my EPEE Software. It was made to handle this issue with ease. I am a Vocational Tech. teacher and we need to target math, career and work, reading,etc. etc standards in addition to our trade standards. I made EPEE for myself years ago and now it is available to anyone. ...See More
Nov 13, 2009

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