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This is my first year teaching and I have been asked to do
a 2-3-4 split. This is a class of non readers also. What
do I do to begin.
JJ /blockquote>

I taught a 2-3-4 this year... whoa! I can give advice, but more than would be
possible on this message board.

I had a few low readers, a couple of kids with dyslexia, one with dyslexia and
dyscalcula, and a few gifted kids. Talk about a challenge!

If you want advice on how I set up my day, reach e...See More
May 20, 2007
Tamara Pardington /blockquote>

I am teaching 4-7 Tag learner this year. I would begin by
looking at the standards for each grade level closely. Where
they overlap, this is where you can teach lessons as a whole
group and then perhaps differentiate the assignments for
higher level learners.
For areas where ability level shows a big gap...See More
May 26, 2007

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