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Next year due primarily to budget issues the VERY
traditional elementary school I work in will be converting
to multiage classes. Kindergarten is the only age that won't
have grade combinations. I am a speech therapist and will be
working to support students and teachers to make the new
situation successful. Our school has about 21 students with
autism most of whom spend at least some time in a general
education classroom.

Any resources or ideas you could suggest would be greatly
jj /blockquote>

If your school is "VERY traditional" it will have to loosen up a bit! I don't think
you can help this when having multi-age classes. You will find that your
standards for each grade will become more fluid, since you will have 2nd
performing at 3rd, and 3rd at second, and well, why not meet their needs where
...See More
Jun 11, 2007
Donna/WI /blockquote>

jj has given you a very accurate picture of how to manage a
multiage classroom. The only piece of advice I can add is to
allow yourself time to figure it all out. The first year you
will have a tendency to compare what you are doing with how
you taught in a traditional single-grade classroom. By the end
of th...See More
Jun 12, 2007
Jodi /blockquote>

Thank you so much for the advice. It doesn't help that our
district is also changing the expectations for reading
instruction and as we reach out last day of this school year
they haven't really done much to explain what will be happening
next year.

I definitely think the school will need to loosen up....See More
Jun 12, 2007

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