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I am teaching a 3/4 combo for the first time and was
wondering about any spelling programs I can do in my
classroom. I was hoping to something fairly simple so I had
planned to give separate spelling lists to the kids in both
grades. I know some teachers use frequently misspelled
words or words that come up in science/social studies, etc.
I have heard about teachers allowing kids to create their
own lists but I am curious as to how this works - from where
do they choose their words??
thanks for your help/advice,
3/4 combo as well /blockquote>

I do individual lists for each kid, based on the HF words, or words they miss in
their work. I usually start the year with the common words I find kids this age
miss. I give everyone these words: their, there, they're, because, the Wh words,
through, though, etc. I do this for maybe the first 4-6 weeks.
...See More
Sep 1, 2007
Maria /blockquote>

On 9/01/07, 3/4 combo as well wrote:
> I do individual lists for each kid, based on the HF words, or
words they miss in
> their work. I usually start the year with the common words I
find kids this age
> miss. I give everyone these words: their, there, they're,
because, the Wh words,
> t...See More
Sep 3, 2007

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