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Hello! This school year I will be a new 1st year teacher teaching in a 4th/5th grade combo class at a local charter school. The school focuses on hands-on and Project Based Learning through individualized instruction based on multiple intelligences. I'm very excited, but I'm now thrust into preparing my classroom QUICK! (*eeek*! So exciting!)

Any resources you could help me for getting started?

I'd like to set up a system where students have a variety of projects/ activities/ stations that they can move around and choose work to complete as long as they complete a list of what they need to do by the end of the week. Each Monday they get a folder showing the work for their week and they can move around during a "work cycle" finishing the work. During those times, I'd like to pull small groups of students aside for lessons. I have experience with Montessori and I'm pulling my knowledge from there.

Any help to get started?

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