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I will have about 8-12 students next year in my self
contained special ed class (4 grades). I am planning on
doing centers for my literacy program and dividing the
group into 3 to 4 reading groups for guided reading. The
other rotations need to be flexible enough to benifit 2nd
to 5th graders. I am looking for center ideas for each of
the following literacy components.

Written expression will be addressed in writer's workshop.
Vocabulary & Comprehension will be addressed in read
alouds, guided reading, & intergrated into literacy
time/morning meeting.

I need assistance with ideas for each station listed.

Phonemic Awareness/Written Response (depending on the
child's level)


Fluency (I am thinking of having them tape their reading)

Book Bins/Self-Selected Reading

Spelling will be addressed seperately.
Sheryl Nussbaum /blockquote>

On 7/05/06, Bashfullily wrote:
> I will have about 8-12 students next year in my self
> contained special ed class (4 grades). I am planning on
> doing centers for my literacy program and dividing the
> group into 3 to 4 reading groups for guided reading. The
> other rotations need to be f...See More
Jul 7, 2006

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