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I am starting an elementary music teaching job using pretty old textbooks - Silver Burdett Ginn Music Connection 1995. Some of the songs on the cd say "pick-a-track" and when I play them I only get the vocals without the accompaniment. Is there any way to get the accompaniment also, I assume that's what pick-a-track means?
Michele This is usually controlled by which speakers you use, left or right. Some stereos you can turn to the left or right speaker. Or you can unplug one of the speakers.
Jul 21, 2014
fwiw Yes, these were recorded with all the vocal on one track (speaker) and all the accompaniment on the other.

So, you need to be working with a playback devise with two working stereophonic speakers.

I'd say one of your speakers is out.

On 7/21/14, Michele wrote: > This is usually controlled by which speakers you use, lef...See More
Jul 21, 2014

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