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Hi! My name is Sydney and I'm new here! I'm mainly a guitarist but I've been playing piano for 14 years now. I recently just got picked up at a studio to teach both guitar and piano. I'm very excited. I was wondering if everyone could give me some advice on how to teach basic piano. I know from the beginning I will begin with explaining the musical alphabet, finger numbers, middle C, having them practice exercises with their fingers like 12345 and 54321. I was thinking with just the right hand. Is adding the left hand on the same day too much? I'll be teaching everyone from ages 6-13. I'm sure it depends on how quickly the student learns but I want a set curriculum for each lesson. (It's going to be an actual piano course). I love feedback and advice so hit me with your best shot! Thanks. -Sydney
Advice While we can certainly give pointers here, my biggest advice would be to get a music education degree if you don't already have one. After all, if one is going to do a job - doesn't it make sense to get the full training considered the standard for that job?

In the meantime, check out the available basic series of piano books. They really ...See More
Aug 3, 2014
Garland/GA I recommend buying a book series or several to give yourself a starting point. If you still want to create your own curriculum, so be it, but this is my 10th year teaching and I use a book series as the basis for my students. I second the other poster on getting a degree, it will help your teaching!
Aug 5, 2014

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