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I have recently accepted a position at a private K-8 school. I have only taught K-5... I'm a little nervous about middle school. Any MS teachers out there? I'd love some advice on dealing with middle schoolers, curriculum, grading... Just any advice you have.
Eileen Welcome to the K-8 club! I teach Prek-8 at an independent Jewish day school. Continuing from 5 with basic concepts but branching into more technically challenging activites and small group work is a start. I do World Music Drumming and guitar with an Orff approach, will be incorporating more movement and creative group work with form and dynamics u...See More
Aug 11, 2014
Sara Thank you Eileen! I am at a Catholic school and am definitely a fish out of water! My students will come to music twice a week! Eeeek. I'm interested in behavior management, middle school lesson plans, and how to assess. I've never given actual grades before (other than S, N, U, and E) ... ugh.
Aug 12, 2014

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