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I was told by my new principal that all of our specialists would be traveling to another building for 1 class per week. ok, are they really trying to fill our time or what? we are down 1 section each of kinder and 1st this year and goodness gracious we would have some extra time in our schedule (last year we had to do lunch duty). we were told before end of school year this spring that we would be 'interventionalists' for the kinders and 1sts this year....I would take lunch duty over having to travel for ONE class! I can't believe it. Classroom teachers can have 'extra time' when they get to SIT DOWN while students are reading silently in their seats for x amount of time per day....but we specialists get nothing but extra work.....we are out of our minds this year because of this and we haven't even started yet.....

anyone out there with anything like this?

thanks for listening.....anon......
lis I'm sorry, anon. Seems admin all over do not understand the importance of continuity...are you teaching one class at another school where there's already a music teacher? This year our specialists are on a seven day rotation. We have a lot of gaps in the rotation. We are doing what the paraprofessionals once did when we have any free time...morning...See More
Aug 18, 2014
Gary,WA 6 of our 8 music teachers travel to 2 or 3 buildings every day. But we get a minimum of 30 minutes of planning time and 30 minute lunch. I used to travel to 4 buildings every day - that's a killer. Some teachers get an hour plan and longer lunch. Do you get plan time?
Aug 21, 2014
anon On 8/21/14, Gary,WA wrote: > 6 of our 8 music teachers travel to 2 or 3 buildings every > day. But we get a minimum of 30 minutes of planning time and > 30 minute lunch. I used to travel to 4 buildings every day - > that's a killer. Some teachers get an hour plan and longer > lunch. Do you get plan time?

Hi we do get plannin...See More
Aug 21, 2014

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