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I have to teach one 3rd grade class in a different building...This is in addition to all of my k-5 classes in my building.

I have to have this class in the lunch room. I will not have access to books, cd's, instruments or anything.

Do you have any suggestions as to what I could teach without all of these very necessary items.

The music teacher for this school will be teaching at the same time in the music room with all of the items.

any help is appreciated. thanks, Anon
Martha You cany bring anything with you?

On 8/26/14, anon wrote: > hi, > > I have to teach one 3rd grade class in a different > building...This is in addition to all of my k-5 classes in > my building. > > I have to have this class in the lunch room. I will not > have access to books, cd's, instruments or anything. > &g...See More
Aug 26, 2014
fwiw Yes, it's a bit of a hassle to drag things along.

You can bring a small boom box, the CD's you need.

Unless the teacher is teaching the same grade at the same time, you can set up a system to have 4 or 5 kids go pick up the books from the music room on the way to class, and return them as class is over.

Instruments - - a ...See More
Aug 26, 2014
Vivian lan ahead so you and the other teacher will know in advance what materials are needed by each of you. That way you won't discover at the last minute you both need the same material/s. Also, if time permits, you could go into the music room and put your materials aside so it's a snap to pick them up.
Aug 27, 2014

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