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I am reviewing the note values with my third graders. The song I normally use is by Konnie Saliba, the Clock Store. I really like it, but it is a little baby-ish I guess for third graders these days. Do you have a good song that distinguishes the note values? I especially need to have eighth notes.
Rocky Mountain Rocky mountain, rocky mountain, rocky mountain high Titi titi titi titi titi titi ta-a DDDMDDDMDDMSS

When you're on that Rocky Mountain hang your head and cry Titi titi titi titi titi titi ta-a LSMDLSMDMMRRD

Do, do do do do remember me Ta ta ta ta Titi titi ta-a DMSLMMRDR

Do do do do do remember me Ta ta ta ta titi titi t...See More
Sep 23, 2014
Anne Ah Poor Bird is good.
Sep 24, 2014

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