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For any elementary band teachers...

Are any of you seeing a drop in numbers from 2nd year players?? Last year, I had approx 25 4th grade band students which is pretty good for my school. This year, many of the band players are opting out of playing because they think it's "boring." I lecture them about practicing because they never seem to do it, minus a few, our band time is during their recess time, and their lessons are before school. Does anyone else have this issue with their band students?? I'm getting really annoyed with how quick their decisions are to just quit because they "don't have time because of other homework or mom has to take so and so there..."
Mrs. H I used to teach beginning band. I think there is always a drop off after the first year. Some kids join band just because their friends are doing it, or the instrument looks pretty. When they realize that it takes work, they can't be bothered any more. I think that a certain percentage of those kids are kids you don't want in your band anyhow! But ...See More
Oct 1, 2014
Garland/GA I do chorus in 4th and 5th at one of my schools as an after school activity. I always have a drop with my returning 5th graders. I view it as now they know what it is like and that they may not like chorus at the middle school level. Got to find the silver lining!

On 10/01/14, Mrs. H wrote: > I used to teach beginning band. I think ther...See More
Oct 2, 2014
Bev Iris One thing I do is hold an orientation meeting before band even gets started. Students are encouraged to attend along with their parents. I lay it all out in advance.

My program got booted after school a few years back, and my numbers were definitely suffering.

I was competing with dance lessons, and sports, and scouts, and all s...See More
Dec 4, 2014

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