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Did you have any luck purchasing large quantities (say from Oriental)? I've never done well myself with the cheap party favor type kazoos...Or did you ask each child to pick one up for him/herself? How did you keep it a secret from the audience, so it came as a surprise? Thanks!
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Andrea Oriental Trading kazoos are cheap and you get what you pay for. If you want quality kazoos go with someone else. If you don't care about the quality, go ahead with Oriental Trading, just make sure you purchase at least 25% more than you need. Some of them are broken on arrival and others break extremely easily.

I also did not use them for ...See More
Oct 5, 2014
Dee Thank you all for your input!! Really appreciate it!! xo

On 10/04/14, Martha wrote: > I got kazoos from west music. I had the kids each buy their own and I placed > one bulk order. They sounded great and the kids LOOOOOVED it. > > > On 10/04/14, Dee wrote: >> Did you have any luck purchasing large quantities (say from ...See More
Oct 5, 2014
Charlotte A few years ago, I ordered a bunch through Kazoobie Kazoos at They are sturdy, have a good sound, and the paper doesn't come flying out. Best of all they can be submerged in water so that I can wash them and reuse the next year. They're still going strong years later.
Oct 8, 2014
lis Yes! I've used them with 80+ kids on a couple shows. They're always a hit. Each child had a number and I put the number on little snack baggies and stored the kazoo for each child that way. Also, I ran yarn thru the kazoo and tied it so that the children put them on and wore them behind their backs or underneath their shirt and were pulled out when...See More
Oct 9, 2014
dee Great ideas, everyone! Will be making use of many of them! Thanks so much!

On 10/09/14, lis wrote: > Yes! I've used them with 80+ kids on a couple shows. > They're always a hit. Each child had a number and I put > the number on little snack baggies and stored the kazoo > for each child that way. Also, I ran yarn thru the kazoo ...See More
Oct 15, 2014

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